Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Start at the Beginning

83 years of film have given us 83 films deemed "best picture", or as it was first called "Outstanding Picture".  So why not watch them all?  And then why not blog about it?!  That is exactly what I've decided to do here.  It's almost like my little own "Julie & Julia" but with film!

Who knows how many people will actually read this blog, but don't you ever get frustrated with IMDb from time to time?  Sure it has the actors names and a cute little plot synopsis, but I want a more in depth critique of the movies other experts have considered the best "Outstanting Motion Picture" of each year (I'm so happy we just stick with calling it Best Picture nowadays).  So I plan to tackle all 83 films and then write my reaction to each of them here.  Please forgive my grammar and spelling ahead of time, sometimes my brain can get ahead of my fingers on the keyboard.

To be honest I have seen a good majority of these movies already.  The only movie I have not seen from 1990 - present is Clint Eastwood in "The Unforgiven".  But I am debating going back and re-watching some of the winners so I don't try to give my reaction/opinion completely based on my memory.

Stay tuned for this battle of human vs. silver screen, it should be fun!

Without further ado, presenting The Challenge;

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